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Plasma Cutter Safety

Complete each statement.


Wear _______________ clothing when using the plasma arc cutter.



Never wear synthetic clothing when using the plasma arc cutter; many synthetics are highly _______________.



Always wear industrial quality eye protection; a _______________ shaded lens is minimum for the plasma arc cutter process.



Make sure that work area is well _______________ when using the plasma arc cutter. The plasma arc cutter process generates lots of fumes and therefore must be well ventilated.



The _______________ should position himself/herself so there will be minimum exposure to fumes during the cutting process.



_______________ use the plasma arc cutter in areas where combustible or explosive gases or materials are located.



Never touch any parts on the plasma arc cutter that are _______________ connected. The plasma arc cutter uses high amperage and produces high voltage, which can cause severe or fatal electrical shock.



_______________ the electrical power before performing any service or repair on the plasma arc cutter.



_______________ protection should be worn when operating the plasma arc cutter.



Use pliers or _______________ to handle hot metal cut by the plasma arc cutter. Cool and store hot metal before leaving the work area.



The thicker the metal the _______________ the travel speed must be to get a good cut and vice versa. The quality of the cut usually decreases as the metal thickness increases and the travel speed decreases.



Always make cuts on the _______________ side of the cut line.



Avoid cutting with the plasma arc cutter in damp or _______________ locations. The hazards of electrical shock greatly increased.



Cutting with the plasma arc cuter may be made by moving forward, _______________, or sideways. Determine which direction is easiest for you and use the procedure as often as possible.



Always turn the plasma arc cutter _______________ before laying the torch down and leaving the work area.


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