Anthony Reynoso

Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope

(p. 230-245)

Student Sites


Background: cowboys/roping

Spelling: gh/ph

Vocabulary: dappled, exhibition, landscape business, ranch, thousands (p. 228-229)

Preview, predict, picture walk, read story aloud and discuss


Story: Choral Read, partner read, independent read, listen to story on tape

Poetry: Horses (p. 228p)

Writing: Word Choice: Biography Poems (see template)

Word Building: telephones


Cool Computers: Madison Website/Ed. Resources/Reading Units

Awesome Artists: Petroglyph chalk drawings or Vaquero puppets

Word Wizards: Cowboy sayings

Rockin’ Readers: Cowboys

Hands-On: Rope Tying

Literature Connection: She’ll be Coming ‘Round the Mountain

Literature Connection: Pecos Bill

Brand Matching worksheet


Cowboy poems