Cool Ali

Cool Ali

(p. 98-113)

Student Sites

Background: Hot Summer Days

Spelling:  fe/ves

Vocabulary: admired, fussed, haze, mimicked, notice, pale (p.96-97)

Preview, predict, picture walk, read story aloud and discuss


Story: Choral Read, partner read, independent read, listen to story on tape

Poetry: Summer Shower (p. 96p)

Writing: Word Choice: The _____est Day

Word Building: leaves


Cool Computers: Madison Website/Ed. Resources/Reading Units

Awesome Artists: The ____est Day or Chalk Drawing

Word Wizards: 5 Day Weather Forecast (use newspapers to help)

Rockin’ Readers: Weather books


Rainy Day/Super Hot Day word lists


Weather/seasons research


Chalk drawing art


Kidspiration: Weather web