Max Found Two Sticks

Max Found Two Sticks

(p. 202-221)

Student Sites

Background: music/instruments

Spelling: ew/ui

Vocabulary: appeared, conductor, created, imitated, rhythm, startled (p. 200-201)

Preview, predict, picture walk, read story aloud and discuss


Story: Choral Read, partner read, independent read, listen to story on tape

Poetry: Way Down in the Music (p. 200p)

Writing: Word Choice: If I were an instrument…

Word Building: instruments


Cool Computers: Madison Website/Ed. Resources/Reading Units

Awesome Artists: Design your own instrument

Word Wizards: Instruments Game

Rockin’ Readers: Books of children’s songs

Listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons; draw what the music inspires


Borrow instruments from Music Room and write down interesting describing words (clash, bang, boom, etc.)