The Emperor's Egg

The Emperor’s Egg

(p. 124-145)

Student Sites

Background: Emperor Penguin

Spelling: ing/ly

Vocabulary: flippers, hatch, horizon, miserable, slippery, waddled (p. 122-123)

Preview, predict, picture walk, read story aloud and discuss


Story: Choral Read, partner read, independent read, listen to story on tape

Poetry: My Father’s Feet (p. 122p)

Writing: Organization: Research an Arctic Animal

Word Building: starting


Cool Computers: Madison Website/Ed. Resources/Reading Units

Awesome Artists: Make Your Own Penguin; write facts on the stomach

Word Wizards: Sight Word Bingo

Rockin’ Readers: Penguin books

Watch March of the Penguins or Happy Feet


Penguin Research


Penguin drawings (step-by-step)


Life cycle cards


Polar mammals/birds sort

Penguin stationary

Touring the Tundra map

Literature Connection: Animal Fathers