The Enormous Turnip

The Enormous Turnip

(p. 154-167) 

Student Sites


Background: Teamwork

Spelling: ack/ock

Vocabulary: enormous, granddaughter, grew, planted, strong, turnip (p. 152-153)

Preview, predict, picture walk, read story aloud and discuss


Story: Choral Read, partner read, independent read, listen to story on tape


Poetry: I’ve Turned Into a Carrot (p. 152p)

Writing: Organization: The Enormous _____________

Word Building: enormous


Cool Computers: Madison Website/Ed. Resources/Reading Units

Awesome Artists: Stamp Stories (theme: teamwork)

Word Wizards: Bang Box

Rockin’ Readers: Folktales or Giant Carrot Packets


Our Enormous Stories (make class book from writing activity)

Literature Connections:  The Giant Carrot packet

Literature Connections: The Big Pumpkin (book set in cupboard, level 17-18)